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Sustainability, self-sufficiency; these once not as hot topics, are taking priority in the news! More and more people everyday are waking up to the fact that the Earth is changing, and could use our help. And so, we must change.

The prospects of a healthy change in lifestyle are exciting, but what do these words really mean? 


Sustainability means to avoid depletion of natural resources, in order to maintain an ecological balance. 

self sufficiency:

Locating elements for functional interconnection: meaning to seek the benefits and limitations to each element of your landscape.

By choosing elements with multi-functional properties, we can take the fullest advantage in utilizing our garden space.

It is our mission to utilize the resources available to us in our landscapes that do more for the surrounding ecology and us! 

By designing for resiliency, we aim to support each essential function by multiple elements.  Thinking sustainably in initial plannings leads to longevity and success in your gardening goals.

Obtaining high-yields is accomplished in annual and perennial flower, fruit or vegetable projects by such practices as companion planting, block-style method planting, or using easy to set up season extender tools such as a cold frames.

Small scale polyculture plantings are beautiful, high yielding, and easier to maintain and control. 

Self sufficiency is a lifestyle of little to no external support.

When we put these two together in the practice of landscaping, what is the result?

By observing how plants function 

we can really learn to practice sustainability. Plants use their biological resources around them, running in a cycle of reuse and renewing materials. By making systems inherently regenerative, we can plan on designing with biological materials that aide our gardens rather than constantly re-supplying unnatural resources. 

We aim to strive for diversity in our plant varieties and our designs. By doing so, we also are able to solve problems creatively.

Maximizing energy is key to any project, from potatoes, to corn, all are different needs and uses of energy for us to maximaize the benefit. Upcycling materials like fermenting wood, rotting wood utencils, composting, etc, all help to maximize our energy use in design . 

Vegetable Picking
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